Voucher Validity:
Starts instantly till 10th January 2020.
Limited Time Offer *
Free Voucher Delivery **
- Only valid for services listed in voucher
- Not valid with any other promotional offers
- Multiple vouchers can be bought for friends and family
- Appointment numbers will be given once you buy
dealhub.pk vouchers.
- Voucher will be delivered within 12-24 hours.
- Only For Women
- Walk in customers will not be entertained
Salon Timings:
11:00 am to 8:00 pm
(Seven Days a Week)
Voucher includes:
- Derma whitening Facial
- Intense Whitening VC Polisher
- Whitening Manicure, Whitening Pedicure
- Protein Hair Treatment
- Restructuring of damage hair
- Foot & Hand Massagr
- Neck & Shoulder message
(*Getting appointment for the services is
compulsory after getting your voucher)
Please Contact for voucher details & other info:
* Call: 03 111-400-450
** Seven Days A Week (11:00am - 8:00pm)
Feel the style and beauty at Uzma Hair & Beauty Salon! Dealhub.pk brings a wide variety of high quality services for a glowing new you! The face is the most sensitive part of the body, in which extra care and pamper needs to be taken. it is time to refresh yourself and relax with a revitalizing package from Uzma's hair and beauty Salon's expert who will make sure to help you tackle the weather with their high quality products and utmost care to ensure your satisfaction.
Uzma's Beauty Salon offers a wide variety of services and products aimed at providing the very best! They ensure satisfaction and safety in all services they provide. They believe in quality not quantity, and enjoy the latest trends in face and body care.
(+92) 03 111 444 123