Voucher Validity starts instantly 30th Dec 2017
Only valid for services mentioned in the voucher
Not valid with any other promotional offers
Multiple vouchers can be bought for friends and family
Only for women
Strictly on appointment only
Customer has to book the appointment herself
Imported quality products used
Courteous and Trained staff
Relaxing environment
Professional services
Voucher Includes:
Advance Whitening Facial
Advance Whitening Manicure & Pedicure
Head & Shoulder Massage
Ease off the signs of daily stress and come relax at Diva's Salon with an astonishing deal! Deal Hub gives you a chance to book your vouchers for a deal that will freshen you up. This deal includes an advance whitening facial which includes a multi-action cleaner, whitening scrub, skin shiner, face massage, mineral mask and a Vitamin E Cream Massage. Pamper your hands and feet with an advance whitening manicure and pedicure and end off your day with a head and shoulder massage.
Divas Salon & Spa has a team of dedicated professionals that strive to the best of their abilities to ensure that you are getting the treatment you came for. They provide excellence in customer care, environmental responsibility and beauty/wellness services.
(+92) 03 111 444 123