Voucher Validity:
Starts Instantly till June 30th, 2025.
Free Voucher Delivery **
- Only valid for services listed in voucher
- Not valid with any other promotional offers
- Multiple vouchers can be bought for friends and
- Strictly By Appointments
- Appointment numbers will be given once you buy
dealhub.pk vouchers.
- Only For Women
- Walk in customers will not be entertained
Salon Timings:
11:00 am to 8:00 pm
105-P, M. M. Alam Road, Lahore.
- Ultimate party package
- Professional makeup artists
- Trained & professional staff
- High quality products used
- Friendly atmosphere
- Sterilized equipment used
- Effective treatments on all skin types
Voucher Includes:
Glamorous Party Makeup
by Senior Artist
Nail art Polisher
Threading (Eyebrows and upper lip)
Please Contact for voucher details & other info:
* CALL: 03 111-444-123
** Seven Days a Week (11:00am - 8:00pm)
Have an event to go to? Worried about where to get your hair and makeup done? Worry no more! Get ready in style at Envogue Beauty Salon & Spa where you will receive extravagant Party Makeup by Senior Artist and a chic Hairdo, along with Nail art Polisher. The professional makeup artists and stylists at the salon will ensure that you have the perfect look for your occasion!
At the salon, you will meet the experienced and dedicated team who will help guide you through a service using their expertise and wide industry knowledge. All of the stylists have many years of experience and are up to date on all the latest trends and contemporary techniques ensuring a great service. Book your vouchers for this great deal Now!
(+92) 03 111 444 123